
Genesis Bible Study

Genesis 1:26-2:3

It only took a few words to tell us everything God wanted us to know about the creation of the universe . . . but when it came to man, God gave more details. In this episode, we find out what it means that man was created in God’s image and what God intended for man from the very beginning.
Before we bigin to look at the creation of man in Genesis 1:26 , let’s recap on day 5 where we left off last time.

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Genesis 1:26-2:3 – Transcript

In Genesis 1:24 we read, “Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so.”
Verse 25, “And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

Why is it that the animals always produce after their own kind as this verse reads? What both makes that happens and prevents in not happening?
We now know that a large part of the answer to that question is digital, not plasma or matter of some other kind. It’s digital information that forms every living creature through the remarkable DNA code.

Why is it that after a hundred and fifty years or more of evolution and constant searching have there been no missing links found? When Darwin proposed his origin the species people thought they’d find all the little missing links, the countless billions of dead creatures that were in various stages of transition from one creature to another.
What have they found? Zero! None!
There‘s plenty of evidence of design within species of animal and we’re going to quickly look at just one, the Giraffe. I remember watching these fascinating creatures with the grandkids at the zoo.
There’s some unique features about the Giraffe that absolutely require an amazing design.
Now the giraffe grows to be about 5 and a half metres tall and weighs in at about 1100 kiliograms. It can run at nearly 60 kilometres an hour and eats about 30 kilograms of food per day.
In order to consume that volume of food he spends between 16 and 20 hours eating per day. He has very little sleep (most say 30 to 40 minutes a day) and can go without water for months at a time.
But, there’s some other strange things about a giraffe.
Being so tall it takes quite a bit of blood pressure to get the blood to his brain
A giraffe heart can weigh approximately 11kg, making it the biggest of any land mammal. It can pump 60 litres of blood around its body every minute at a blood pressure twice that of an average human. This is necessary to get the blood up to up his long neck to his brain and to accomplish this he has a heart that’s about two and a half feet or .7 of a metre long.
But, the giraffe’s got a couple of problems when he bends down to drink water. First he’s vulnerable to animals preying on him, but the other problem is that the pressure from his massive heart would normally be enough to burst the blood vessels in his brain. His brain is at one moment 5 metres in the air and then suddenly it’s at ground level.
With this sudden and immense pressure change, why doesn’t he sufferer what a diver would call embolism?
It turns out that there are valves in the artery going up to his head that adjust. When he goes down those valves close the blood between the last valve and the brain diverting it around the brain into a sponge-like group of vessels underneath. Without these valves, when he raises his head from drinking, there’d be no blood in his brain and he’d have a massive dizzy spell and pass out. As you can imagin the biology is vastly more comlex than this brief explanation but why this animal is particularly useful as an example is this.
Try to imagine how this evolved and which parts of this dramatically complex blood pressure system evolved first. Remebering that any deficiencies are fatal to the animal and, of course, one thing about evolution is that dead animals don’t evolve!
So if he has a blood hemorrhage and dies there’s no way to pass on that
experience, however evolution imagines that when he brought it because he dropped his head down and had an embolism or he passed out when he bought his head up and the lions ate him, he somehow passed that biological information on, when he was dead, to his offspring, that incidentally must have been born after he died.
You get the idea, and we can find hundreds of examples where there are one or very many essential design features either in their skeleton or the circulation system or whatever that’s essential for the animal’s survival.
Trying to conjure up out of our imagination how it all got there by evolution is foolishness because the defects ensure the death of the animal making it impossible to pass some sort of biological message to its non-existent offspring. After all, dead animals don’t produce offspring either.
So you’ve got a very special design of the arteries going up to another very special design in this special sponge-like organism underneath the brain and a special design of the veins coming down.
It’s a very very skilful design and we see that same design over and over again in every facet of our universe.
Now, what would be the greatest insult you can give the designer? Well, to assume that design is not the product of a designer at all and design wasn’t necessary because it all happened randomly.

Now we come to Genesis 1:26 and the creation of man on the sixth day.
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
What an amazing statement my friends. Just a simple fact of the creation of man. This is the third time the word bara is used which describes God making something out of nothing.
Verse 27, So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. The details of this are in the next chapter.
Now God left out most of the details about the creation of the universe. God created the heavens and the earth and that’s about all we get. That’s all we can really know about it. He could have filled in the details but for His own reasons He didn’t but He’s going to give more details about just one act of His creation and that’s the creation of man.
Why? Because this is written to man.

It’s almost like God is saying that He would like us to pay attention to our own creation rather than speculate on the creation of the universe.
We’re going to see something wonderful in the creation of man. We’re told here that God gave man dominion over the earth. Not as a gardener for the garden of Eden but as a being that had tremendous authority given to him.
Is there a statement anywhere that is more incredible than verse 27? So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him.
Incidentally, the Hebrew word for Man is Adam. The name Adam is more than just the name of the first man, it is the word for man.

Now let’s look at this.
I’m sure none of you listening failed to grasp the plural in the first sentence.
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”
What’s going on here?
The repeated use of the plural (Let Us… in Our image, according to Our likeness) points to what we know as the Trinity or the Godhead. One God in three unique personalities but in perfect unity.
We saw in chapter 1 that the name given to God, Elohim, is a singular plural, that is referring to one person and others at the same time. One being in perfect, threefold unity. However, this is the first time the threefold Godhead is mentioned in this particular way. We’ll find it in chapter 3 verse 22 chapter 11 verse 7, in Isaiah, in fact, we’ll find it all through the Old Testament, not just the new. This plural noun that’s always treated as a singular appears some 680 times in the Old Testament.

So, does this verse mean that man is created in the image of God as a trinity? In other words, he’s created body soul and spirit?
Well, that’s true as we see in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 where the Apostle Paul says, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
However, we’ll see that it means much more than that.
To understand who man is we begin with knowing we’re made in the image of God. Man is different from every other created being.
This means there’s an uncrossable gap between human life and animal life. Though we’re biologically similar to certain animals, we are very different in our moral, intellectual, and spiritual capabilities.
There’s also an uncrossable gap between human life and angelic life. Nowhere are we told that angels are made in the image of God. Angels can’t have the same kind of love and fellowship with God that humans can.

Man is self-conscious, he has his own personality and he makes his own decisions. He’s a free moral agent. He also has an immortal soul. This is unique amongst all of God’s other creatures. This is also what it means to be created in God’s image.
Several specific things in man show him to be made in the image of God.
Mankind alone speaks.
Humans possess knowledge, feelings, and a will. This sets man apart from all animals and plants.
It means humans possess morality: we can make moral judgments and have a conscience.
It means humans possess spirituality: man is made for communion with God. It is on the spirit level that we communicate with God.

So, we see that God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Now in the first chapter of Genesis, we get no more details about the creation of man but we do get a lot in the next chapter.
God has given very little detail about the creation of this incredible universe apart from the fact that He is the creator. It’s as if God is forcing us back to the all-important truth in Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed (created) by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

What God created He created not from things that already existed, things that got there by some other means. No, He created them from nothing, there was nothing He used that was already in existence. It’s called creation “ex nihilo” which means out of nothing!
Can we explain that?
Well no, we simply cannot explain it. To try to explain it in human terms with human understanding is simply impossible. Evolution certainly doesn’t explain it. It has no possibility of explaining how something can come from nothing. Other forms of science do no better at explaining it either. Both evolution and science need something to be in existence first, either a cell or some sort of primitive soup, or a ball of gasses and chemicals that already contain all the building blocks of life.

In these times that we live in a great deal of scientific knowledge is available about the DNA that forms every living thing. We know that the secret source of how DNA works is information. Science is at a loss to explain the origin of information through natural processes. Why? Well for a start information has no mass, in fact, it has nothing in any dimension we know of.
Take an empty CD and weigh it. It’ll weigh between 14 and 30 grams but take the exact weight. Then load it full of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. What does it weigh now? The same!
As much as science has advanced in our age it is completely unable to explain how something can be formed from absolutely nothing, nor can it explain the origin of information or how the information in a DNA strand can form a human completely different to any other that has ever lived.

It’s as if God has said to us, “Look about you. Look at the impossible hugeness of the universe, then look at the impossible smallness through your most powerful microscope. Now, look at the birds, and the plants, the atmosphere that is so perfectly balanced to sustain life. This is all the evidence you need to know I am real and I am the Creator.
The intelligence you have is more than capable of deducting that everything you see is the work of design by a designer greater than the human mind is capable of imagining.” Then He’s given us this wondrous Word so that the faith we need to see Him can come to us through that Word.

Now in Genesis 1:28, we read, “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

There are 4 ways that God has of getting creatures into this universe.
The first is by direct creation such as with Adam. The second was indirect creation such as with Eve. The third is by natural generation through sex between male and female creatures. God created his creatures, including man, to reproduce. Of course, as with much of what God has intended for good, sex has been turned in our day so that what was meant to be good is now peppered with intense evil.
Since man was created in the image of God along with an immortal soul, self-consciousness and a free choice, there’s an unquestionable moral responsibility. We’re made in the image of God.

Now, notice that God tells them, both male and female, to fill the earth, to reproduce.
The King James Version and many of the better study translations like the Scofield Study Bible use the word “replenish” instead of “fill”.

In the next command in verse 28, God tells man to subdue the earth.
Probably this is where God wants us to learn and study creation through the telescope, the microscope, the test tube and the calculator in order to better understand the earth and bring it to a place where it releases all its wonders for man to not only use but to be in awe of the God who created them.
We can back this up from the book of Proverbs. In Proverbs 25:2 we read, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
God’s riches are seldom found sprinkled on the surface all around us. To get to those treasures such as diamonds and gold we must dig, we must search, plan, study and learn. It’s no different with knowledge. To unlock the secrets of our universe we must have knowledge and knowledge is always the result of an intentional search and study. We must go to the laboratory, the observatory, and the back room where experiments are carried out and we must pull back what’s there, layer by layer. It’s no different with the Word of God.
Unfortunately, man has taken a great portion of those incredible findings and made ever more menacing weapons of war along with many other ways by which he can destroy himself.

Then man is told to have dominion over the earth. Man was intended to rule over this earth, he wasn’t simply a gardener. More than likely he had dominion over the dimensions of the universe, matter, energy, space and time, just as the Lord Jesus did when He was on earth.
He had dominion over nature, when he stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilea and walked over the water, over the fish when he filled the disciple fishing nets. He was able to feed 5000 people with two loaves of bread and a few little fish. He was able to appear in a room even though the doors were closed. Adam would have had the same ability at least till his fall into sin where he lost that dominion and handed it to God’s enemy, satan.

Now to Verse 29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. We can assume from that statement that man was a vegetarian at least until after the flood when man became a meat eater.
Then in verse 30 we read, Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.
And then in verse 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Now this brings us to the end of Genesis chapter 1.
Let’s make a summary of this chapter.
Well, first its worth noting that God is mentioned in this chapter 32 times.
Nowhere there does God try to prove that He exists. Why? Because in Psalm 53:1 God said, The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
It’s pointless trying to get the fool to believe in God. It goes further in Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity, or hostile, against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
Those who reject the very existence of God despite what is displayed in the universe around them will not be delving into the Bible in any serious form of study.
In Romans 1:20 we read, For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. So if a person cannot see a designer and a creator in the universe he lives in, he’s not likely to be interested in learning about a God he does not believe exists.
All that is written in Genesis chapter one can only be believed by faith, by believing God IS and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6.
In chapter 1 it is God who creates.
Then we find Genesis 1 denies manmade religions such as polytheism or the idea of many gods. There is One God who creates.
It denies the eternity of matter, one of the scientific speculations or beliefs necessary to prop up evolution theory. In the beginning. Everything within this universe had a beginning.
Genesis denies pantheism which is the belief that the universe and the cosmos are divine and are themselves an all-inclusive supreme supernatural being. God is before all things and separate from His creation.
It denies fatalism that holds that all events are fixed in advance. Gods acts within the freedom of His will.

In this chapter, we have order, progress, promptness and perfection. We see Adam in the garden under a certain condition.

This brings us to Genesis chapter 2.
Chapter 2 could be described as revelation.
Chapter 1 gave us great overriding facts and truths in the 6 days of creation.
Now, in chapter 2 we come back and take the all-important truths of chapter 1 and enlarge upon them.
This is something we see time and time again as we go through the word of God where facts and truths are given in one place and then expanded on in others. It’s called the law of recurrence.
This is what the book of Deuteronomy is. It’s not just a repetition of the Law given to the people by Moses, it’s a microscope view, an interpretation of the Law backed by the experience of 40 years wandering in the wilderness.
We see the same in the four Gospels, not just one, where revelation is expanded from different viewpoints.

We begin chapter 2 with the Sabbath day.
We read in the first 3 verses, “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.”
Let’s not miss the importance of the Sabbath day here. What does it mean when it says God rested on the 7th day? Does it mean that God was working so hard that he got tired? Was he exhausted from 6 days of work? Did He just really need to “chill out”, put His feet up and relax?
Sorry, but if this is the view you have of the Sabbath day it’s just nonsense.
It means He rested FROM His work. He looked upon it and it very good. It was finished! He rested from the work. In other words, He stopped, desisted from it, ceased. Why? There was nothing more to do.
How many of us can say that we completely finished a major project to the point where we could rest from it? Certainly not me.
There’s a great spiritual picture painted here. We’re told in Hebrews chapter 4 that we enter God’s rest and we cease from our own works when we believe. That’s entering into His Sabbath, His perfect redemption which He offered to us when He died on that cross for our sin.
Hebrews 4:10, For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
Romans 5:1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
You and I don’t need to lift one finger to be saved. Jesus did it all.
All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed us white as snow.

Genesis Bible Study

Genesis 1:2-25

Welcome to the Why God Bible study of the book of Genesis or the book of beginnings.
In our last episode, we looked into what surely is the most simple yet extreme, all-encompassing statement that has ever been made, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
We’re going to start by revisiting the majestic all-important verse 1 again.
This verse is the door to the whole Bible and unless we walk through that door we can never understand God or His Word.

“Speed Slider”

Genesis 1:1-25 – Transcript

Let’s take another look at Genesis 1:1 again in the form of a recap.

Let’s take the first three words, “In the Beginning…”

Despite many individuals’ and organisations’ claims that they know the date or at least the approximate time of “The beginning” it simply cannot be dated by man. All man’s attempts at dating this time are just speculation because God has simply not seen fit to give us those details. We could use thousands, millions or even billions of years. No man knows how many years ago was “In the Beginning”.

In the next 2 words, we see, “God created”. As we saw in the last episode, this word in Hebrew is “Bara” which means absolute creation, out of nothing. In other words In the beginning there was nothing but God and then God created. This word only appears 3 times in the Genesis creation account. There are only 3 acts of absolute creation or something from nothing as described by this word.

The first is here in this verse where God created the heavens and the earth. The next one is when God created life in the form of great sea creatures and every living thing that moves in verse 21.

The same word bara (something from nothing) is used.

The third act of creation using the same word, bara, we find in verse 27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

So, the first act of creation is the heavens and the earth from nothing, the second act is the creation of life and then the creation of human beings.

Just a quick word here on what’s known as theistic evolution, a position that many churchgoers use to try and reconcile creation with the science of natural man. It goes that God created everything up to man, and then from that time on Adam and Eve evolved through some sort of evolutionary process.

Theistic evolution tries to make each of the 6 days of creation a very long time, thousands or millions of years even. This can’t be so however as God clearly called the night and the morning the first day in verse 5 and we’ll look at that closer in another place.

Back in verse, 1 God created the heavens and the earth. Earth was created and the Creator obviously was outside of His creation. He would have inhabited eternity where His existence was beyond the dimensions of matter, energy space and time, our earthly dimensions that were surely created as part of the creation process.

By the way, we see these dimensions in the first 3 verses.

In the first two verses of Genesis, we find: ‘In the beginning [time] God created the heavens [space] and the earth [matter]. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters [energy].  We also see energy in verse 3. Then God said, “Let there be light,’ or “Light be” [energy]. Light is a form of energy that travels as waves.

Now let’s move to verse 2 and look at something that many people accept and many others don’t.

The mystery is that Genesis 1:1 is in a totally different slot in time than Genesis 1:2 and that between these 2 verses, there is a gap of an unspecified time, possibly millions or even billions of years.

Genesis 1:2 does not follow Genesis 1:1 on the same day that “God created the heavens and the earth”.

Something happened in an unspecified time span between chapter 1 verse 1 and chapter 1 verse 2.

Now, there’s plenty of good grounding to support this reasoning.

Let’s recap these verses. From verse 1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”.

Now, the reasoning is that between verses 1 and 2 there was a great catastrophe that had a profound effect on our universe and especially the earth.

God has shown us little pieces of that catastrophe here and there and it can’t be denied, as we look over our vast universe and our solar system, that something huge, somewhere, at sometime happened to it.

Our moon, for instance, shows even at a casual glance that it’s been severely bashed around. The whole universe including our earth shows signs of this beating up and being laid bare as a wasteland.

How did it get like that? Was it created that way by God? It’s inconsistent to say the least for our God to create something without form and void, to create something wasted and desolate.

God mentions the earth here in these verses because it’s going to be where man lives and as such it’s important for man to know something about his home.

To see the reasoning behind this mystery we’ll first look deeper into verse 2, especially at the original Hebrew words used.

“The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.”

The first question is around the word “was”. “The earth was formless and void.” The Hebrew for this word, was, is hâyâh and a look into Strongs concordance shows that this word also means “became” or to “become”.

So people with this viewpoint say that the first part of this sentence could just as accurately read, “The earth became without form and void”.

Furthermore, the Hebrew word translated “form” is tohu and the word for “void” is bohu. So these words together in Hebrew are tohu v ‘bohu.

Also, the word darkness in Hebrew is chôshek. A look at Strong’s concordance shows the word chôshek can also mean misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, and wickedness. The darkness we see in this void describes a situation where the Lord is absent.

God made a cosmos not chaos. God did not create the earth tohu v ‘bohu but it became tohu v ‘bohu. He formed it to be inhabited. God came into this chaos and darkness and re-created it to make it a habitable place again for man.

So, according to this view, what was the catastrophe that plunged the world into this darkness without form and void? Well, we don’t know, however, we do know from several scriptures that there was a great rebellion in heaven in which Lucifer, son of the morning, who became Satan or the devil as we know him today was cast down to earth. Could this catastrophe have been a result of the rebellion in heaven?  We’ll leave the study of that event till we get to those scriptures because this is a major key in explaining the whole story of redemption which the Bible is primarily about.

It’s possible that this is what transpired here but God just has not given us the details.

Now Genesis verse 2 tells us that the Spirit of God was hovering, or moved, over the face of the waters. The deeper meaning of the word for moved here means to brood like a hen with her chickens.

So we see that in this reasoning concerning Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 that something, we’re not sure exactly what, happened to the earth and what we have here in Genesis chapter 1, is six days of renovation or recreation.

Many good Bible scholars do not follow this “gap” reasoning.

They see Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 as a progression. It took the Lord 6 days to fully complete creation. They say that to use the word “was” as “became” is using it out of context. Many people who take this position hold to a young earth position. That is that the creation account from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:31 all happened around 6 or 7 thousand years ago.

The 6 thousand or so years comes by tracing back the generations from today, back to the time of the birth, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that’s 2000 years. Then we trace the generations back from Jesus to Abraham, then from Abraham to Noah, and then back to Adam, who we know was 930 years old when he died. Adam was created on the 6th day of creation, so from these ages or generations the age of the earth can be worked out.

This camp has an astounding amount of “hard to deny” evidence backing their claim about an earth that is much younger than generally accepted.

Let’s look at Exodus 20:11 and I’m reading, “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”

In this passage, we see a definite 6-day creation with the creation of the heavens and the earth occurring within those 6 days. People who hold this view see Satan’s rebellion happening sometime after the end of creation week but they, for the most part, readily admit they can’t know for sure.

People holding to the “young earth” position have as many plausible explanations to explain their theory as those holding the “gap theory”.

I must say that I’ve delved deeply into this and I find I can’t be absolutely dogmatic either way since God simply has not given us those details.

Now you might ask, “What does it matter? God created, is all that really matters and that’s what we need to be sure of.” That of course is very true but we also need to see that the Lord delights in us delving into His Word in an honest attempt to discover Him more. Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”

Now we come to day one of creation. I’m going to read from the King James version rather than the New King James version. There’s a reason. In each of the creation verses right through to verse 31, the New King James version starts each verse with the word “Then” whereas the King James version starts each verse with the word “And”. Both words indicate a progression but to me, the word “Then” indicates the end of one section and the beginning of another whereas “And” indicates a continuous succession. No big deal really as either word fits.

A word before we begin.

The Bible tells us we can know God exists because of what we see in the created world.

Psalm 19:1-4 explains it this way, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” In others words, we need no more than look up into the firmament, space, during either the day or the night to see the glory of God.

Romans 1:20 also tells us, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” Friends, one day each of us will stand before God and not one of us will be able to say to Him, I didn’t know you existed.”

Genesis 1 verse 3 reads, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. It’s very hard to see how anyone could get more than a 24-hour day from this verse.

God said “, “Let there be light”. “Let there be…” is mentioned 10 times in this one chapter. Verse 6, “let there be a firmament”, Verse 9 “Let the waters … ” and so on. Sometimes this is known as the 10 commandments of creation.

And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.  And God saw the light, that it was good. Incidentally, this is the first time God spoke.

We go to verse 6, ” And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”

This is space or air. God divided the waters.

What does that mean? Well, first He divided the waters above us and the waters beneath us with air or space in the middle. And God called that firmament or space between the waters “heaven”. Now, this is not heaven as we normally think of it.

There are 3 heavens mentioned in scripture. The Lord Jesus spoke of the birds of heaven which is what’s referred to here. There are also the stars of heaven and then there’s the third heaven where He dwells. The first heaven or the first layer if you like is where the clouds are and the birds fly.

Let your mind wander over this for a bit. Imagine these “waters” covering the entire earth to a huge depth and then God, by nothing more than His Word splitting them and separating them so that the heavens, where the birds and the clouds and the atmosphere as we know it divide the waters so that there are waters above and waters below.  On another side note, were these “waters above” a canopy that caused a greenhouse effect that made the whole earth’s environment uniform as it seems to have been before the flood?

Then we come to day 3 in Verse 9, “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

Gen 1:10  And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.”

Then in verse 11, we read, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And the evening and the morning were the third day.”

First, the waters were separated from above the earth, now the waters on the earth are separated. The idea is that before this, the earth was covered with water. Now the waters are gathered together into one place, and dry land appears.

God called the dry land earth. God puts plant life on earth.

Let the earth bring forth grass: Notice that this happened before the creation of the Sun (the fourth day of creation, in verses 14 to 19. This means the plants must have had sufficient nourishment because of the light God had created before the sun and the moon in verse 3.

Many wonder how the sun, moon, and stars were created on the fourth day when light (including day and night) was created on the first day.

These heavenly bodies were probably created on the first day, but jumping ahead a little to Verse 17 we see that God “set” them in the firmament. He set them exactly where they needed to be to perform the complex functions they were intened to. But Revelation tells us of a coming day when we won’t need the sun, moon, and stars any longer (Rev_21:23). There’s no reason why God couldn’t have started creation in the same way He will end it.

What’s He doing? He’s making a place that will be habitable for man

God is putting plant life on earth. Man, until the flood was, apparently,  a vegetarian.

Now we come to day 4 in verse 14 we read, “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”

By the by, the Strongs concordance describes the Hebrew word for “firmament as “The visible arc of the sky”.

He throws in here almost as an afterthought, “He made the stars also”. Such a simple statement of an absolutely stupendous act.

Incidentally, the original word for “day” in all these verses removes any speculation about  “day” means anything but a 24-hour time period.

Notice here that it’s all God’s actions. He is doing the dividing. What’s the difference between right a wrong? What God says, my friends.

Now to verse 20 and we read, “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.“

We see the huge variety of birds and sea creatures created at the same time, not evolving slowly over millions of years. Even though plant life was created before animal life, animal life was not created from plant life.

Now here’s the place where evolution plays a part. Evolution theories that relate to all life evolving from one tiny piece of matter or a single cell is a religious belief that doesn’t stack up scientifically or any other way, however, we notice in these verses that God made every living thing “after it’s own kind”. This indicates that God did not create every type of creature say for example dozens of types of horses. The horse “kind” or species was created and from that kind, a type of evolution has provided those hundreds of horse breeds including zebras and donkeys. What can’t happen though is a horse evolving into a cow or a cat evolving into a dog, or an ape evolving into a human.

There’s been tremendous development within species including within the plant world.

Now we come to the sixth day in verse 24, “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

Gen 1:25  And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. ”

On the fifth day of creation, God made birds and sea animals, but now God turned His creative attention towards land animals of various types.

So God has created all the dimensions of matter, energy, space and time. Then He also created life as in the plants and animals. He’s given life to inorganic matter and made it live. Evolution and science simply have no explanation of how life can come into something that has no life other than through the miracle of creation wrought by an almighty and wonderful God.

We’re going to look at the creation of man next time and it’s of special interest to us because it’s our ancestors God is going to tell us about. It’s yours and my ancestors which makes us all related. We could say that we’re all related in sin also but we’ll see that next time.

Genesis Bible Study

Genesis 1:1

The last episode was an introduction to Genesis and we took a telescopic or bird’s eye view of the book and we saw that the book could be divided into 2 parts. Simply put part one, from chapters 1 to 11 are about sin and the second part, chapters 12 to 50 is about redemption from sin.

Now we’re going to exchange the telescope for a microscope and examine the book more closely.

We start with what surely is the most simple yet extreme, all-encompassing statement that’s ever been made.

Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

“Speed Slider”

Genesis 1:1 – Transcript

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth!

Is it possible to hear a more profound yet simple statement anywhere on earth?

What is “The Beginning”? Who is “God”, What is “creation”? What are “The heavens and the earth”? Let’s look at each of these words with our microscope.

When was “The Beginning”? How long ago was it?

Our minds simply can’t grasp “The Beginning”. I can understand that infinity exists but can’t understand infinity. I can’t understand timelessness, eternity. Yet I know it exists. I believe that God is eternal and therefore outside of our earthly time dimension, but I find it impossible to really grasp. It’s beyond my capacity, to grasp with my limited faculties.

You can’t go back any further in time than “In The Beginning”.

For as long as God alone existed, there was no time. And even that statement reduces our eternal God to time as soon as we used the word “long”.
It doesn’t matter if you believe as some do, that the account of Genesis from creation until today only covers about six or seven thousand years. It doesn’t matter if you believe as many bible scholars do, that the earth was recreated after a great and terrible judgement at some time in the past, possibly many millions of our time years in the past (and we’ll look at this shortly).

No matter how you cut these arguments you just cannot get any time before “The Beginning”. Before “The Beginning” is eternity, the dimension which is the realm of God and eternity never began and will never end. To try thinking that one out and fully understanding it with our natural mind is hopeless. As we’ll see shortly in our Genesis study there is but one way to “see” this and that’s through the eye of faith!

The next word we come to in this, the most all-encompassing statement ever made to man, is “God”.  There is now, always has been and always will be Almighty God. Unless we believe this we can never know Him and, as a result, we can never know the creation account. If we don’t believe this our entire existence and that of our universe is only speculation. In fact, we can never know anything with any certainty without believing in the existence of God and His relationship to the universe and each one of us. We should never fall into the deception that science and evolution can explain the origin of everything we know in existence today.

Science and evolution cannot possibly explain how something came into existence from absolutely nothing. As soon as we say there was a chemical, a gas, or a minute cell or piece of matter that everything we know came from we haven’t gotten back to “The Beginning” yet no matter how many billions of years we attribute to that starting point.

The original Hebrew word here for God is Elohim. Now, even those of us who have no education in the Hebrew language instinctively know that Elohim is a plural name. Within this name is all the mystery and majesty that human language can possibly describe. The name describes one God, and yet it’s plural. Throughout the Bible we‘ll see God as One God, who is adamant that we understand that and refuse, even to the point of death, to worship any other gods than Him.

Elohim is a human name that we’ve used to attempt to explain God. The best we can do is understand that he is what’s known as a composite unity. That is one God with three distinct personalities that can be apart yet are never separated. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is just as impossible for our human minds to grasp as eternity or timelessness but we should never let our failure to understand what cannot be understood be a reason to doubt God’s exitence.

The Jewish name for God is “Yahweh” first used in the book of Exodus but there’s no English language word for this name that was to the Jews too sacred to even say out loud.

Over time Elohim, Lord and Adonai were used when speaking of God.

The name that God Himself gave to Moses when Moses asked Him his name in Exodus 3:13 was I AM THAT I AM. He instructed Moses in Exodus 2:14 to tell the people when they asked that I AM sent him.

In the Gospel of John 8:48, the Jewish religious leaders are questioning Jesus. We, as gentiles can easily miss the spectacular answers that Jesus gives to them. In  verse 51 Jesus says  to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.” In fact, He was claiming a direct link between Himself and the ancient prophetic words spoken by Abraham and the prophets.

In answer to this claim, the Jews tell Jesus He’s not yet 50 years old so how could he relate directly to Abraham and the prophets?

Then the kicker came, the statement that sealed His fate and assured His journey to the cross of crucixion. In John 8:58  Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

As we’ve already noted, we as gentiles can easily miss the significance of this statement. The Jews did not!

He was stating that He was the I AM who revealed Himself to Moses on Mount Sinai all those years ago. He was saying He was God!

No wonder the Jews who failed to see the reality of this were incensed to the point of murder.

God is completely whole within himself, and he’s eternal. He has always existed, and He always will. He’s the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.

And he is the only one in existence who can be described this way. The rest of us need a huge range of things that all must work in perfect unison in order for us to exist and to even take our next breath.

The most powerful human on earth is still at the mercy of his health and the environment that he lives within.

God stands alone in needing nothing, in being wholly self-sufficient. He certainly does not need man. He needs nothing from us. That simple fact can be very offensive to our human nature – that part of us that wants to be somebody special, somebody needed.

There are over 1000 different names for God throughout the Bible and we could study them and the person of God for an eternity and never fully grasp His power and majesty.

It’s enough in this study that God has given us the best revelation of Himself and Who and What He is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This whole study, no matter how long it takes, will always be nothing more than a journey to discover Him.

Let’s look at “Creation”. The word used in the bible for created is a different word than for “made” even though there are similarities. The word for created is Bara. The word for made is asah.

The difference seems to be that Bara means giving being to that which before was not or bringing something out of absolutely nothing whereas asah seems to mean making something out of something else that already existed but in another form.

There are only three times this word bara is used in the creation account. Three times God created something from nothing.

The first time was His creation of the heavens and the earth.

The second time was when He created the sea creatures and the animals and the third time was when He created man.

Now just a side note here. In Genesis 1 we have these great statements but God keeps them simple. However, in Genesis chapter 2, as we’ll see when we get there, more detail is given.

What are “The heavens and the earth”?

What was there before the heavens and the earth?

The heavens here doesn’t necessarily include heaven, the dwelling place of God. There are three heavens described in the Word of God, the heavens where the birds and the clouds exist, and the heavens where the stars and planets exist that we know as space. And then there’s what’s referred to as the third heaven which is the realm of God.

The heavens and the earth refers to the first two.

Within the creation of the heavens and the earth we would have had, as a by-product the creation of matter, gases, chemicals and all the countless elements necessary to sustain life. All the hopelessly complex equations as to the orbits of the planets, atomic interactions and the precise measurements of every chemical mix required to make our universe exist as we know it would have come into being.

People may say, “That’s ridiculous, How could God make all that happen”?

Well, try making it happen through evolution!

What was there before the heavens and the earth were created?

Absolutely nothing that had the dimensions that we live in today.

Now, really, this is all God has given us about creation.

We do have the creation of man and the animals later on from verse 20, but this first sentence of the bible IS the creation story and a very brief story it is.

Now we need to ask ourselves what was God’s purpose, and what did he have in mind when he gave us this powerful yet simple account of the creation of the universe?

Did God mean to give us a scientific and geological study of creation?

If He had decided to explain creation to us in this way the space that would be required would fill the earth more than even the current mountains of books that try to explain it in terms that fit with our natural minds.

Even with all those books condensed and added into Genesis we as humans simply could not understand it. The concepts, the dimensions and the scientific knowledge required to understand the mechanics of how everything was put together from absolutely nothing would be beyond the understanding of the most intelligent genius ever to have lived on earth.

Certainly, even the most intelligent and learned men of Moses’ day could not possibly have understood it. As intelligent as they were (and many think far more intelligent than us today) they had no idea of even the most basic things that we know today from a view through a microscope.

No, the Bible was not written for learned professors but for simple folk of every age, every background, and every language in every land.

However, Genesis 1:1 has started more violent and passionate arguments and wild theories than any other subject, ever.

These arguments and theories are, of course always the result of man’s reasoning and they are, without exception, built on speculation which, for the most part, doesn’t factor in an all-knowing, all-intelligent, all-mighty God. These theories and arguments have certainly drowned out the clear voice of God.

Perhaps the loudest voices in these theories and arguments are from the part of society that believes, beyond doubt, that science explains everything in the universe and these voices don’t come from truly great scientists alone. Many ordinary folks accept anything that’s spoken by a person in a white coat in a laboratory as being beyond dispute.

The fact that science is constantly changing as discoveries are made every day doesn’t phase these people.

Even though their science has achieved fantastic things and has explained the mechanics behind so much of our universe, it fails dismally to explain the origins of that universe.

Science can’t explain the steps from absolutely nothing to something.

Then it fails to explain how that something changed from inorganic to organic, in other words from a piece of dead matter to a living organism. Then it can’t explain how that something took on intelligence and choice and the ability to reason and love and hate.

Despite this, these voices cling to their belief in an all-powerful, all-knowing science.

Then you have the voices that don’t bother to ask questions for themselves but blindly accept the preferred opinions of the day. A great many teachers and professors along with millions of everyday people from every walk of life just accept without question the voice of an incomplete science that knows much less than we believe.

I remember how this was demonstrated to me one day during my encounter with cancer. My doctor, who is one of the greatest men I know, put me on special medication. I asked him how the medication worked and he remarked, “We simply cannot explain it. We don’t know. We just know that it gets results.” This man is a highly educated surgeon but his wonderful humility leads him to admit that all he knows just makes him realise how little he knows. He freely acknowledges that his scientific understanding is incomplete.

One great blessing we have is that many scientists delight in the study of God’s creation and see His hand in all that they study but these people are seldom found in popular media.

And talking of media, we’re bombarded today with documentaries that show the most stunning images of nature and the animals living on this earth. Even the most intricate and the hopelessly complex among those creatures all bear the label of evolution.  That is, they were once a simple piece of matter and they took on life by themselves and somehow developed themselves into the impossibly complex creatures we see in the docos. To question this view is to receive an angry, often violent rebuke about not being smart enough to understand science.

Nowhere are the real questions asked or answered.

Here are just two examples that science does not explain.

The difference between fractals and design.

A fractal is a shape that’s formed from the environment around it. Some examples in nature are snowflakes, trees branching, lightning, and ferns. The shape of a cliff that is subject to the weather and other natural forces such as the ocean is a fractal.

Murphy’s haystacks in South Australia are fractals. These massive rocks that look like old haystacks suddenly appear within an otherwise flat and uniform landscape. These tourist attractions are the effect of ancient forces of nature and are fractals.

A design, on the other hand, is formed by someone’s mind guiding their hand.

For example, a cliff face exposed to the weather may have a random shape that’s interesting but you’d never say that the faces of four US presidents carved in a cliff face in the Back Hills of Dakota were a random shape carved by the weather. We, humans, have an inbuilt mechanism that instantly recognises the difference between something random and a design.

Another type of fractal could be formed if you’ve been working on your computer on let’s say a word document. Then you leave the room for a coffee or something and your cat starts walking up and down on your keyboard. When you return, the page is full of text but it is completely random. You would never question that this was randomly generated but if you saw a written chapter from a famous novel on the word document you would never believe they got there randomly. You would just know instinctively that someone had written the words. It was by design.

And yet we’re prepared label the impossibly complex design in the universe random chance!

Creatures and plants of the earth, the solar system and the planets, the chemical systems that make our earth fit for habitation and wonders seen through the microscope have no design but are just random fractals. So the random fractal that is a human can invent machines, love and hate, and write and read and understand the ideas of others. Come on!

Another example of what science fails to explain is irreducible complexity.

This is a fancy term that covers the fact that a thing mostly does not work until it’s complete.

Take a human brain for instance. Science and evolution says, the brain developed from a tiny piece of inorganic matter and then through millions of years evolved little by little until, eventually, it was a complete brain. How could that possibly have happened seeing that it had to be fully complete, instantly to be a working brain and the complexity required cannot be gradually and randomly put together. The same goes for the human eye. Some 10,000 working parts make up an eye and that’s only the parts we know about. As with the brain, the absence of any of these complex parts means the eye doesn’t work. Now, couple that with all the other members of the human body, along with all the uncountable exterior factors of the environment, the atmosphere and chemical compounds needed for the human body to live and gradual development through evolution becomes, well just silly.

There are, sadly, other voices that rise within religious circles where someone believes they’ve discovered how God did it and they write a book and hold conferences to explain their intricate knowledge of God’s creative power. They regard the great bible scholars of the past and present as intellectual dwarfs compared to them.

We can find God’s answer to all these people in the oldest book of the Bible, Job.

God had a little chat with Job personally and we can see that recorded in the book of Job chapters 38 to 41. God really works poor old Job over in these chapters and, of course, it’s not only Job who gets worked over but you and I also. We know God is talking to us as well as Job because of 2nd Timothy 3:16, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. And also Romans 15:4  For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.

Let’s take a small part of this chat between God and Job. Look at chapter 38 verse 4 and I’m reading. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. God says to man, “You talk about the origin of the universe yet you don’t even know where you were when I laid the foundations of the earth!” Obviously, it’s a question that no man who has ever lived can answer other than believing God’s account of it.

The simple truth is that if we’re going to talk about origins we’re reduced to only two simple choices, speculation or creation!

And, we can’t talk about science proving evolution. Evolution is not science it is theory and there are a great many theories within that theory.

This is overwhelming proof that either these many different camps have not seen the scientific proof that confirms their particular theory yet or there just isn’t any.

Also, there are large numbers of brilliant scientists that reject the theory of evolution outright so we simply can’t use science to prove evolution in a two plus two equals four formula. Speculation is just that, an unprovable point of view with no outright, confirming scientific evidence.

Interestingly a leading biologist of the 1940s, Edwin Conklin, summed up evolution this way. The probability of life originating from an accident is comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing factory.

The great challenge man has is to explain how you can get something from nothing and then how to get a very simple piece of inert, lifeless matter to take on life by itself and then grow slowly, by its own resources, into impossible complexity. The only way we can do that is by faith or speculation.

There are many things that were scientific facts up until very recently but are now not. Us oldies were taught many scientific facts from our textbooks in school that are now no longer scientific facts. What is science today simply may not be science tomorrow.

There are many theories relating to the origin of life and it seems more are being thought up every day. None of them finds universal acceptance by scientists from the fields of geology, biology, chemistry, etc.

Even the so-called evidence of the caveman has long since been proven fraudulent or simply not provable. The evolution from an ape to a human which was regarded by so many as a scientific fact a few years ago is now not heard of as much today. As more knowledge about DNA and gene and cell reproduction is known these old theories that were once regarded as fact look a bit dodgy today.

Unfortunately, modern science appears to have another motivating force. That is the desperation to try and prove there is no God. Many scientists along with the countless numbers of people who accept science as infallible are just the same as any other atheist or agnostic in that they violently reject the mere thought that there is a God who will one-day demand absolute justice and will judge every person who ever lived. Many people who fall into this category whether they are top-shelf intellectuals or everyday common people, will come up with the most absurd theories as to the origins of the universe and themselves.

Debating creation against science can be futile unless the person we’re debating with is a genuine searcher of the truth and refuses to let popular opinion dominate that thirst for truth. These people are a great pleasure to talk to whether they agree with us or not, but they are few and far between in today’s world. Most people simply do not want God to exist and refusing to look at the plain evidence before them is one way by which they can convince themselves that there’s no God. Many will look at the Genesis account purely from their natural human thinking and unfortunately, man’s natural mind will never be big enough to grasp the magnitude of a Holy, Almighty God.

Then we have creation as the other choice. The only possible way that we can accept the creation account is by faith. God designed it that way.

Look at Hebrews chapter 11:1  and I’m reading, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

The purpose of God writing through Moses the creation account in Genesis 1:1 was simply not to give secular scientific details but for our instruction and to give us certainty through the force of faith. Again let’s use the Apostle Paul’s letter in 2nd Timothy 3:16, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Additionally, we’re told in Romans 10:17 that the faith required to see what is unseen comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

The Genesis creation account is not written to teach us geology or biology. It was written to show man’s relationship to God and what a man must do to be saved from the sin that condemns him to death.

You could write a banner over this part of Genesis that reads, “What must I do to be saved?”

Let’s leave this telescopic view with the words that Job spoke to God after God had finished setting him straight.

In Job 42:1-6  and I’m reading from the New Living Translation just so we can see Job throwing up his hands in surrender.

Then Job replied to the LORD: “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you.

You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.

You said, ‘Listen and I will speak! I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.’

I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.

I take back everything I said, and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”

Until next time may God bless you and keep you, my friends.

The next episode covers Genesis 1:2-25.

Genesis Bible Study

Genesis Introduction

Genesis is, of course, the first of the 66 books in our Bible.
It’s not the oldest book, the Book of Job takes that title, but God has placed Genesis in its perfect slot, the beginning, just as all the books are in their perfect slots.
Genesis also belongs to a family of five books in the Old Testament known, in Hebrew, as the Torah. Hebrew is the language of the Old Testament of the Bible.
These 5 books are also known as “The Law” and they’re referred to as “The Law” many times throughout scripture. They were written by Moses.

“Speed Slider”

Genesis Introduction – Transcript

There are two views you needed when studying the books of the Bible; one is with a telescope, and the other is with a microscope. The telescope is the view from a distance or a birdseye view which is where we are now. We’re going to start our book of Genesis study with a birdseye view of this wonderful book.

The microscope view is where we examine the detail and it’s here that we’re rewarded with the richest discoveries.

So, let’s begin our telescopic view of Genesis.

Genesis is, of course, the first of the 66 books in our Bible.

It’s not the oldest book, the Book of Job takes that title, but God has placed Genesis in its perfect slot, the beginning, just as all the books are in their perfect slots.

Genesis also belongs to a family of five books in the Old Testament known, in Hebrew, as the Torah. Hebrew is the language of the Old Testament of the Bible.  These first 5 books are known as the Pentateuch in the Greek language which is the primary language of the New Testament. Pentateuch simply means 5 books. These 5 books are also known as “The Law” and they’re referred to as “The Law” many times throughout scripture. They were written by Moses.

The name Genesis is taken from the Septuagint which is a Greek translation of the Old Testament made in Alexandria nearly 300 years before Christ was born.

The historian, Josephus, tells us that this translation was made by 72 priests in 72 days. This is why the name Septuagint, which simply means 70 in Greek.

Six priests were from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul quoted from this translation of the Old Testament.

It’s older than any of the Hebrew texts in existence today.

When studying the book of Genesis there are certain things we should know and keep in mind. This book is a key that unlocks the entire Word of God.

Genesis states many things for the first time. Of course, this isn’t surprising since Genesis means “origins, “source” or “birth”.

Genesis is the book of beginnings and sources, but more particularly it’s the

book of births or the book of generations.

Certain things pop up a lot in Genesis such as the phrase, “These are the generations of…”.

It’s an important phrase because it relates to the families of the earth that begin in this book which, of course, we belong to.

It could be called the family tree of the whole of mankind but it especially traces the family tree of the most important person in all history, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the central figure of the whole Bible.

Within the families, some very interesting people are key figures of history and they’re described in detail in Genesis. These include Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Jacob’s twelve sons, including Joseph. Joseph became the 2nd most powerful political figure in Egypt and a type or a picture of the saviour of the world who would come to redeem His people.

These twelve sons in turn become the nation of Israel. We see God blessing many of the people that are associated with them, including Lot, Abimelech, the Egyptian Pharoah, Potifar and many others, but we also see the destruction of Israel’s enemies.

Then we find the first mention of the covenant in this book where God makes His eternal covenant or an unbreakable agreement with Abraham. That covenant not only relates to Israel but to each one of us.

We also see many appearances of the Lord to the patriarchs, especially Abraham. The altar makes its first appearance in Genesis where mankind makes sacrifices to cover sin until the ultimate sacrifice comes, God Himself in the form of man, who deals with sin once and for all.

We see jealousy, deception and murder within the family.

Egypt is presented to us in this book as nowhere else and God’s judgment of sin is displayed.

From our telescope or our birdseye view, we see that the book of Genesis

deals with many beginnings;

  • Creation
  • Man
  • Woman
  • Sin
  • Sabbath
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Labour
  • Civilisation
  • Culture
  • Murder
  • Sacrifices
  • Races
  • Languages
  • Redemption
  • Cities
  • Agriculture
  • Trade
  • A Chosen people
  • And many more

Interestingly every major cult, pagan religion and false philosophy is foreseen and answered in Genesis:

  • Atheism – which is the disbelief in the existence of God (Genesis says the world was created by God)
  • Pantheism – which is the belief that the universe itself is a supreme supernatural being (Genesis says God is outside of and distinguishable from His creation)
  • Polytheism or the belief that there are many gods (Genesis says there is One God)
  • Materialism or the belief that nothing exists except matter and all things can be explained in relation to matter (Genesis says that matter had a beginning)
  • Humanism – which says that everything revolves around man and is for man’s glory (Genesis says that God, not man, is the ultimate reality)
  • Evolutionism or the theory that all life developed from gradual processes into what we see today (Genesis says “God created”)
  • Uniformism or the belief that what’s happening now is just what’s always happened. (Genesis says God intervenes in His creation)

All Major Doctrines Have their Roots in Genesis

  • Sovereign election
  • Salvation
  • Justification by faith
  • Believer’s Security
  • Separation
  • Disciplinary chastisement
  • Divine Incarnation
  • Rapture of the Church
  • Death and Resurrection
  • Priesthoods (Aaronic and Melchizedek)
  • The Antichrist
  • The Palestinian Covenant

Our telescopic view also reveals that Genesis falls into two major parts:

In the first part, we have the creation to Abraham.

In the last part, we have from Abraham to Joseph, the father of Jesus.

In the first part, we’re dealing with major subjects which still to this day occupy the minds of thinking people.

Within the first 11 chapters, we have; in chapters 1 and 2 the Creation, in chapters 3 and 4 the fall of man, in chapters 5 to 9 the flood and chapters 10 and 11 the tower of Babel.

When we get to the second part we’re dealing with personalities or people. Four personalities overshadow this part. In Genesis 12 to 23 we have Abraham the man of faith and Issac the beloved son in Genesis 24 to 26. We have Jacob the chosen son chastened by discipline and punishment in Genesis 27 to 36 and Joseph the suffering son who is eventually glorified in Genesis chapters 37 to 50.

Within these parts, we also see another division or section that has to do with time.

The first 11 chapters cover a minimum of 2000 years. Now, depending on our understanding of Genesis chapter 1, which we’ll come to soon, it could cover hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. This first part could, in fact, cover any period of time in the past.

So, what are we saying? Well from Genesis chapters 1 to 11 the time covered is anything from 2000 years to millions (even billions) of years. However, from Genesis chapter 12 to chapter 50, only 350 years.

Now we can take that a step further because from Genesis 50 throughout the entire Old Testament, and even including the New Testament, we only cover 2000 years!

So, if we’re looking at time, we’re halfway through the Bible’s timeline when we’ve covered the first 11 chapters, and then from chapter 12 through the rest of the Bible we only cover 2000 years.

From a time perspective, we can see where God is placing the most importance.

In the first 11 chapters of Genesis, we cover creation, the birth of the universe, (or the heavens and the earth)  and all that’s in them.

The second part, from chapter 12, deals with man, the nations of man and the person of Jesus Christ.

It would seem like God attaches much more importance to Abraham and you and me than in the entire created, physical universe.

To bring this out a bit further, in the four Gospels (Mattew, Mark, Luke and John) there are 89 chapters. Only 4 of those chapters cover the early life of the Lord Jesus.

85 chapters cover the last 3 years of His life, and within those 85 chapters, 27 chapters cover the last 8 days of His life.

Do you think that God is emphasising the last 8 days of Jesus’ life here on earth more than any other section of the Bible?

And, what do those all-important 27 chapters concentrate on? The death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and that, friends, is the most important part of the Gospel record.

God gave us the Gospels so that you and I would believe that Christ died for our sin and that He was raised for our justification. That’s the all-important, subject of the entire Word of God.

From this, we can believe that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are but an introduction to the Bible and it’s important for us to view it as such.

If Moses were alive today and was listening to all the discussions from theologians, scientists, teachers and the general public about the record he gave of creation he would probably be amused.

He would probably say that all of us have totally missed the point. He would say that he wasn’t attempting in any way to give us a scientific account of creation but that he was telling the account of God dealing with man in sin.

He would say that the story he was telling was of redemption and when we look at his writings as a scientific account of creation we have completely and utterly missed the point.

Moses gave us a matter-of-fact statement of how the universe and all that’s in it came into being.  His purpose was to provide a foundation for what really matters to God, you, me and the rest of the human race and how He has made the way for our redemption from sin.

So, we see in our telescopic view of the book of Genesis that it’s the record of the “family tree” of the Jews. It’s the genealogy of heaven, earth, and man.

Even the new birth is suggested in Genesis 3:15, where a Redeemer is first mentioned.

The outline of these genealogies is:

Gen. 1:1—2:6 The generations of heavens and earth— the divine account of creation and God’s creative work

Gen. 2:7—6:8 The generations of Adam or Man—Adam was created, but children born to him

Gen. 6:9—9:29 The generations of Noah

Gen. 10:1—11:9 The generations of the sons of Noah

Gen. 11:10-26 The generations of the sons of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. These are the gentile or non-Jewish nations

Gen. 11:27—25:11 The generations of Terah a son of Noah and the father of Abraham

Gen. 25:12-18 The generations of Ishmael The son of Abraham by his concubine Hagar the Egyptian

Gen. 25:19—35:29 The generations of Isaac son of Abraham

Gen. 36:1—37:1 The generations of Esau the eldest son of Issac

Gen. 37:2—50:26 The generations of Jacob son of Issac, later named Israel

We could further summarise our birdseye view of Genesis by saying that the first part, chapters 1 to 11 are about sin and the second part, chapters 12 to 50 are about redemption from sin.

In the next episode, we’ll zoom our telescope in a little and take a closer look at the simple but majestic statement that is the first sentence of Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”