How To Insult God
Contrary to the belief of the masses, science does not explain the origin of life, even though most people think it’s a proven scientific fact that life evolved from the chaotic explosion of – nothing!
“Speed Slider”
How To Insult God – Transcript
Do we know enough?
Have you ever formed an impression on a person only to find that when you got to know them, they were entirely different to your impression?
The same goes for places such as towns or cities. It even occurs with opinions that are generally accepted by the majority as facts.
In the fields of medicine and technology this is very common. We are programmed to believe that science is a summary of truth and fact, yet science is not a summary of the truth about everything.
Science is the process of summarising the things we’ve already discovered, and then changing that summary as we acquire new knowledge through observation and experimentation.
Science is never finished. Every discovery leads to more questions, new mysteries, and something else that needs explaining. It’s a case of ‘the more we know, the more we know we know nothing at all’. Just look at the countless scientific discoveries that were once accepted as truth but are now rejected even laughed at.
Contrary to the belief of the masses, science does not explain the origin of life, even though most people think it’s a proven scientific fact that life evolved from the chaotic explosion of – nothing!
All this in the midst of a creation of which a master designer is self evident.
What an insult to God!
Whenever we make a judgement about someone or something from our own human intellect, we usually end up totally wrong. We just do not know enough to make a judgement call.
I must admit that as I get older and look back on my life, I am embarrassed at the times my human powers of deduction have led me to wrong conclusions.
A Persons Words Paint An Accurate Picture
Where people are concerned, we can make more accurate judgements about who and what they are by simply getting to know them better. As we find out more about them our picture of them becomes more real. Most often, the knowledge of who they are comes through the words they speak.
Jesus told us in Matthew 12:34 and Luke 6:45 that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The more a person speaks the more accurate the picture they paint of themselves because they are speaking from the heart, the inner person, or the spirit. What’s in their heart is who they really are.
You want to know someone better? Listen to what they’re saying! However, we’ll need more that a one or two sentence conversation with them. We’ll need to spend the time to really listen and hear all their words. Husbands and wives know each other well through each other’s words over a long period of time so their picture is mostly accurate.
This is no truer than in our knowledge of God.
If we are to know Him and understand His ways, we must hear His words.
God has given us a summary of all the words He’s spoken to man. It’s called the Bible.
It is only by hearing those words that we can know Him.
If, in our human relationships, we only hear one or two sentences of others say, our knowledge of them will be limited. The same applies to God.
If we will only hear the odd verse from the Word that He’s left us, we’ll never know Him and our view of Him will be distorted and incomplete.
The WHOLE Counsel Of God
Therefore, it’s vital to hear His whole Word.
In Acts 20:27 we see that the Apostle Paul taught “the whole counsel of God”.
The whole counsel of God includes some things that are difficult to hear. For example, in both the New and the Old Testament we see God’s wrath and His anger unleashed as in Exodus and many other places. We see supposedly evil men get rewarded and good men get punished. We see God relegating some obedient and Godfearing people to a life of suffering such as Job and we see nations of people destroyed without mercy as in Joshua and many other places.
We hear that we ourselves are dead in sin and deserving of God’s wrath (Ephesians 2:1–3) and the fact that we cannot save ourselves through works (Ephesians 2:8–9).
Sometimes, we hear these words and our human sensibilities rebel. We decide God is unfair, unjust, or even wrong. This is so dangerous because we are, in effect, doing exactly what Satan did when sin was found in him. He deluded himself into believing he knew more than God. He was above God! It’s what Adam and Eve did when they followed Satan’s deception. They believed they could be above God. It’s also what countless others do every day.
We believe we know better than God! When we believe this, we effectively raise ourselves above God.
This is the greatest insult to God.
Do we mere humans know how to create a band of DNA?
We cannot explain the intricate complexity of a butterfly’s wing let alone make one.
We can’t work out why people die of diseases such as cancer or why an innocent child dies yet the problem is NOT with God. It’s with our own limited understanding.
If we don’t understand the why of God’s dealings, it’s not because there’s not a good and sufficient reason. The difficulty is with us and our understanding.
Let me give a very simple example.
The other day I was teaching someone how to do something on the computer. Now, I had worked on this thing for many hours and made many mistakes working on this until I finally worked out a system of how to complete the task. I began teaching this person how to do it. They insisted on trying to shortcut my system and do it their own way and immediately began to run into problems. You see they approached it from their own viewpoint and did not see the difficulties that I had already overcome..
Their way SEEMED right to them, but it caused failure.
It SEEMS Right
There is a way that people think is right, but it leads only to death. Proverbs 14:12
The LORD says, “My thoughts are not like yours. Your ways are not like mine. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8 – 10
Yes, God’s riches are very great! His wisdom and knowledge have no end! However, No one can explain what God decides. No one can understand his ways. Romans 11:33
As the Scriptures say, “Who can know what is on the Lord’s mind? Who is able to give him advice?” Rom 11:34
The answer to this question is No one! No one knows the mind of the Lord.
Not once did Jesus ask advice while he was on this earth.
“Who has ever given God anything? God owes nothing to anyone.” Rom 11:35
Yes, God made all things. And everything continues through him and for him. To God be the glory forever! Rom 11:36
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremaiah 29:11
Man has tried to be happy without God, and the book of Ecclesiastes shows the absurdity of the attempt. It is King Solomon’s dramatic account of the time he turned from God and looked for satisfaction in the world. Although Solomon had more wealth and more wisdom than any man before or since, his attempt to live life without God made all that he had worthless.
What business have we, with our pinprick of understanding, telling God what He should and should not be doing.
This is God’s universe, and He has the sovereign right to do with it as He pleases. If we disagree with His ways, maybe we need to create our own universe and then we can make our own rules. In the meantime, we are on His turf and He sets the rules.
No, if we are to partake of the glory of God and His perfect plan for us, we must come to Him by faith. But, without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6.
God is Love and in Him is mercy, grace and complete justice but there is also much more to Him.
If we see our Lord Jesus Christ as only a lovey dovey, gentle Jesus, meek and mild who just loves us so much He let’s us do as we please, we are not understanding Him at all. He is also the fearful figure of revenge in the book of Revelation.
Whenever we’re puzzled or discomforted by something in His Word, we should set it aside and ask the Lord to reveal it to us. We always should take the position that since God is perfectly just and knows our needs.
We should never forget one of the most important verses of scripture to a Christian; Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.