The Trinity Explained

Who Is Jesus?

The answer to this question, Who Is Jesus, is what separates every religion, cult, and new-age human philosophy from Christianity. A Christian is simply a follower of Christ, The Jew’s Messiah, The soon-coming King, The Redeemer of Man, and The Saviour and most of The Son of God – God in the flesh!

The answer to this question, Who Is Jesus, is what separates every religion, cult, and new-age human philosophy from Christianity. A Christian is simply a follower of Christ, The Mesiah, The soon coming King, The Redeemer od Man, The Saviour.

A Christian has the unshakeable belief that Jesus is God.

Every other belief in the world, without exception, believes He is not.

Some religions say He was just another human prophet, others that He was a created angel. Some say He was Satan’s brother; others say he is one of many gods. Teacher, do-gooder, rabbi – the list goes on and on – but never God.

Of course, the most common religion of today, Atheism, believes He never existed at all.

The Christian Belief

We, as Christians, believe that He is God, Who created the universe, and us, and that He was able to enter into humanity by becoming a man while remaining fully God.

He is one of the three “parts” or “personalities’ of what we know as “The Godhead”. God is a unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God in three manifestations.

How this could be is a mystery locked in the incredible power and glory of God. God makes it very clear to us in His Word  (the Bible) Who He is, but He doesn’t give us details that are impossible for us to grasp.

Countless volumes have been written trying to fully explain the triune nature of God. They all fail to fully explain it in a way that our limited minds can grasp. Hey, we can’t even explain the information process of DNA which is common to every living thing. How could we fully explain the trinity?

We Are Created In His Image

We can see a little more into the nature of God when we understand how God created us. We are created in His image.

We ourselves are three parts in one.
We areSpirit (the “real” us, the eternal part that never ceases to exist. It is the part of us that is “made new” when we accept Jesus Chris as our Lord and Saviour.)
We have a Soul (the emotions, thoughts, feelings and desires), which will also never ceases to exist. The Soul is not made new instantly when we come to God but is constantly changing as we learn more about God and begin to trust Him with the details of our lives.
We have a Body (our earthly flesh which will die but will one day be resurrected in a glorified state the same as the body of Jesus after His resurrection).

In the future, God willing, I hope to present some discussion on how we can undeniably prove for ourselves that Jesus is Who He says He is. But that isn’t the purpose of this piece.

A Child Is Born – A Son Is Given

When Jesus took on the form of humanity in the little town of Bethlehem 2000 years ago, he was born a child. However, He was given as a son.

The book of Isaiah tells us in chapter 9 verse 6,

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

And, probably the most familiar bible verse of all time,

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The “child” was born in Bethlehem, but the “Son” was “from everlasting.”

The incarnation of our Lord, the promised Messiah who would take away the sin of the world, is the awesome wonder of our lifetime.

That the Creator Himself chose to enter His creation to undertake a mission that would lead to His horrific torture and death on our behalf strains the imagination of any thoughtful person. It is staggering in the extreme!

The “Son is given” occurred at Golgotha outside Jerusalem on a Roman cross 33 years after the “child was born”. This was a fulfill­ment of the promise given on the day man fell into sin. It was planned before the foundation of the Earth.


Although, as a secular society we have degraded Easter into an unrecognisable party holiday, it was once the very peak of the ceremonial year for the Christian. It was the celebra­tion of the empty tomb that vali­dated that Jesus Christ was indeed the long-promised Redeemer who would sacrifice Himself for the sin of man and rise again on the third day, defeating death and the grave and making the way by which every fallen human can get back to a full relationship with God.

His story is a love story written in blood on a wooden cross that was erected in Judea two thou­sand years ago.

So, Who is Jesus Christ?

Let’s see what the Word of God says.

He is the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2, Mark 15:2 and others)
He is the King of Israel (Mark 15:32 and others)
But He’s also
King of all the Ages; (1 Timothy 1:17)
King of Heaven; (Daniel 4:37)
King of Glory; (Psalm 24:10)
King of Kings; (Revelation 17:14)
and Lord of Lords. (Revelation 17:14)

He is
a prophet before Moses;
a priest after Melchizedek;
a champion like Joshua;
an offering in place of Isaac;
a king from the line of David;
a counsellor above Solomon;
beloved, rejected, and exalted like Joseph;
The Heavens declare His glory, and the firmament shows His handiwork.
He is, was, and always will be. He is the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tau, the A and the Z;
He is the “I AM that I AM” (Exodus 3:14) that spoke to Moses on Mt Sinai, the voice of the burning bush, the Captain of the Lord’s Host, the conqueror of Jericho
He is our Kinsman-Redeemer and He is our Avenger of Blood;
He is our City of Refuge;
He was crucified on a cross of wood, yet He made the hill on which it stood.
By Him were all things made that were made; without Him was not anything made that was made; (John 1:3)
By Him, all things are held together!
In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily; He is very God of very God.
He became the first fruits of them that slept.
He has many names, among them is Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace.
He is our Performing High Priest; Our Personal Prophet; Our Reigning King.
He is enduringly strong; entirely sincere; eternally steadfast;
He is sovereignly powerful; immortally graceful; impartially merciful;
He stands alone in Himself:
He’s unique, pre-eminent, supreme, unparalleled:
He’s the loftiest idea in literature;
He’s the highest personality in philosophy;
He’s the fundamental doctrine of theology;
He’s the supreme problem in “higher criticism”!
He’s the Son of God!
There is no means of measuring his limitless love:
It was written in blood, on that wooden cross erected in Judea 2,000 years ago.
He was born of a woman so that we could be born of God;
He humbled Himself so that we could be lifted; (Philippians 2:8)
He became a servant so that we could be made joint-heirs; (Philippians 2:7)
He suffered rejection so that we could become His friends;
He denied Himself so that we could freely receive all things;
He gave Himself so that He could bless us in every way.
He is available to the tempted and the tried; Blesses the young; Cleanses the lepers; Defends the feeble; Delivers the captives; Discharges the debtors; Forgives the sinners; Franchises the meek; Guards the besieged; Heals the sick; Provides strength to the weak; Regards the aged; Rewards the diligent; Serves the unfortunate; Sympathizes and He saves!
His reign is righteous; (Jeremiah 23:6)
His promises are certain; (Numbers 23:19)
His goodness is limitless;
His light is matchless;
His love never changes; (Hebrews 13:8)
His grace is sufficient; (2 Corinthians 12:9)
His mercy is everlasting;
His word is enough;
His yoke is easy and
His burden is light! (Matthew 11:28-30)
He’s indescribable;
He’s incomprehensible;
He’s irresistible; (Philippians 2:9-11)
He’s invincible! (Colossians 1:15, 18-20)
The Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him; Man cannot explain Him.
The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him but soon learned that they couldn’t stop Him;
They railroaded Him through six illegal trials,  and yet the witnesses couldn’t agree against Him and the personal representative of the ruler of the world couldn’t find any fault with Him;
Herod couldn’t kill Him, death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him!
He has always been and always will be; He had no predecessor and will have no successor;
You can’t impeach Him or vote Him out and He isn’t going to resign!
His name is above every name; That at the name of Yeshua, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess That Jesus Christ is Lord!
His is the kingdom, and the power,  and the glory, forever, and ever, Amen!