Sin – The Root and the Remedy
The Bible is the story of dealing with sin.
Whether man knows it or not, he is a sinner! He has a sinful nature that causes him to sin even in ignorance.
We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners.
The bible is the story of dealing with sin.
Whether man knows it or not, he is a sinner! He has a sinful nature that causes him to sin even in ignorance.
The scripture says that by Nature we are the children of Wrath Ephesians 2:3.
We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners.
If man did not commit one act of sin, he’d still be a sinner. The reason that he does commit acts of sin is
because he has that nature. He’s totally incapable of doing anything that is well pleasing to God. Whether he knows it or not he continues to sin because it is coming out of a heart that is in rebellion against God.
This is very hard news to digest for a world that believes they are basically good.
We fall into a trap by comparing our own lives to those who are outwardly and unmistakeably evil. For example, if the average person compares his life with Adolf Hitler, he may feel that he comes up pretty good.
Most of us don’t murder or rob banks. Neither do most of us drive drunk and cause the deaths of innocent people, so we feel like we’re pretty good.
However, are we good enough to come face to face with God? Do we think we “deserve” eternal life because we’re pretty good folks?
What if, instead of comparing our goodness with the worst people alive today, we compare ourselves to a holy and righteous God?
Are We Good Enough?
To believe we are good enough, or to believe we are without sin is to make God a liar for in His Word He says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. Likewise, to believe we can have eternal life by our good deeds is extreme error because the righteousness of man is as filthy rags to the Lord Isaiah 64:6.
What does the Word of God mean when it says that Christ was the ONLY sin offering, the ONLY sacrifice for sin?
It means that He was the ultimate and final sacrifice. It’s not that our sin is utterly removed from our daily lives while we’re still here on earth. We still sin all the time and we need to ask forgiveness and repent (turn) from those sins constantly.
The Root Of Sin
It begins in Genesis 3 after God created man in His own image.
There is a rebellion when the first humans, Adam and Eve believe the lie that is presented to them by God’s enemy, Satan. The lie is that they do not need God, that they can go their own way, make their own choices and decisions and in so doing would become like God. In other words, they don’t need God or His rules or His laws.
They disobey God.
So, they plunge humanity into sin.
Sin touches everything about us. There is not one piece of who we are that is free of sin.
Relationships, emotions, our minds, even our approach to the world around us have all been touched by sin.
The rejection and rebellion against of God has made us crave the desires of our own heart, even when those desires are destructive.
Sin reigns over humanity and we are all in the same boat. There is no one who is perfect in this life except Jesus Christ. In fact, that is the whole point of Christ coming into His creation. God came down Himself took on our flesh lived perfectly in a way that we could not. Then he willingly gave Himself, poured out His life as the ultimate sin sacrifice.
The Remedy For Sin
Now God has recognised this tragic aspect and the fatal consequences of humanity ruled by sin.
He has made a remedy for sin, a way for man to be redeemed.
He has given man a prescription and put that prescription where man can plainly see it. It’s called in Scripture the sin offering.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans 5:8.
The sin offering started immediately after man fell into sin through his disobedience to God.
It was the offering of innocent blood as an atonement for sin. Innocent blood was offered through various sacrifices until the ultimate sin offering could be made, which was God Himself, entering His creation as a man and willingly becoming the final and complete blood sacrifice with His own life.
In the ages from the Garden of Eden, where the fall of man occurred, until Christ was crucified on a Roman cross in Judea 2000 years ago, humanity looked TOWARDS that ultimate sacrifice by the sacrificial system of the Old Testament of the Bible.
Now today, 2000 years later look BACK to that ultimate sacrifice for our permanent redemption from sin.
How Do We Partake Of Sin’s Sacrifice?
In closing we do not automatically receive God’s redemption, even though the price has been paid.
We must, of our own free will, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice.
We must ask Him for His saving Grace which is always available. He will not refuse.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved….Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Romans 10:9 & 13.
When we do, we become reborn spiritually and we immediately back into right relationship with God.
We can now approach our God and He can now receive us because eternal justice has been satisfied.
Is this YOUR day to be free of sin and be in relationship God?