Monarch and Antichrist

The Last Dictator and the Last Monarch

Most of us are in amazement at how fast the population of the entire world has lost basic freedoms that we all took for granted. We’re losing our ability to keep a sound mind as the measures of global governments begin to affect every one of us.

The Last Dictator and The Last Monarch

I’ve met so many people lately who are angry, confused, and fearful about the current state of the country and the whole world.

Only those among us who have an unwavering trust in the governments and institutions that rule us are continuing to enjoy a form of “normal” life. They tend to believe life is good and always will be so long as we have governments to look after us. Government knows what’s best for us!

Most of the rest of us have no answers but instead, are bombarded with the problem from every media source. Our focus is on the problem yet few of us can properly define exactly what that problem is.

For many people the problem is seen as a worldwide pandemic that is out of control. For many others the problem is seen as governments using a vastly overrated virus to bring down controls on its people.

Most of us are in amazement at how fast the population of the entire world has lost basic freedoms that we all took for granted. We’re losing our ability to keep a sound mind as the measures of global governments begin to affect every one of us.

What is of extra concern to most thinking people is that they cannot see an end that will allow us to go back to the freedoms we enjoyed even two years ago.

I believe that what we are living through today is a beginning. It’s the start of a situation that has been expected by many people for many years.

Over the next 3 weeks I ‘m going to base these home group articles around what I see as the real problem and the real solution according to the Bible.

I thought a good place to start might be the cycle of tyranny.

This is a cycle that has repeated itself throughout history. Our nation is too young to have experienced the full cycle as this cycle usually takes about 2oo years, but we can certainly recognise where we are on the cycle now.

The cycle of tyranny was first described by Alexander Fraser Tytler: Professor of History. University of Edinburgh. 1770.

As Christians, we believe the cause of the cycle of tyranny is man’s sin.

Man was disobedient to God and in so doing tried to be God.

This caused sin to enter man and become his nature and man was permanently separated from the God who created him and loved him. That sin nature has been passed on to every ancestor since, making us subject to it in everything we think do and speak. When man tries to govern man, he does so from this sin nature which is totally self-serving and incapable of understanding how to govern with absolute justice.

Nations have experienced an unending cycle of monarchs (kings and queens), emperors, parliaments, senates, and dictators. Some have been good; most have been bad. None have been able to govern their people in lasting peace and prosperity.

Cycle of Tyranny

Bondage and Slavery

The cycle of tyranny begins with bondage and slavery. A population is enslaved either by force with terror and brutality or willingly by deception and propaganda.
Eventually, that population rises and rebels against their slave masters. To do this requires great faith in a cause much greater than the individual and great courage with a willingness to sacrifice their life for the cause of liberty.


So, we move from bondage to faith which brings the strength and resolve that in turn brings courage. With courage comes the resistance to tyranny sometimes even to the point where life is placed on the line.


Liberty comes as the slave masters are overthrown and replaced with administrators who are dedicated to maintaining freedom.

Our nation came into existence at around the “Faith”, “Courage” and “Liberty” steps. We’ve never known the tyranny and bondage experienced by most other nations throughout history. However, we are now well into the other steps of the cycle.


As a result of liberty, the people are free to prosper without government interference and abundance is the result. Soon after abundance selfishness arises as the population become obsessed with material gain and outdoing those around them. They live a life obsessed with self and craving ever more “things”.


Complacency follows and the population becomes carless with whom they allow into positions of power. They fail to understand the great price that was paid for the freedom they enjoy. They slowly allow despots into power as they fall for lies that promise even more abundance but with less work and responsibility. So long as there is entertainment and never ending “fun” no attention is given to the slowly mounting realities that threaten freedom. The complacency causes them to be easily deceived.


Apathy is the next step. Most of the population becomes too lazy to properly educate themselves or their children. Lack of discipline is common in children and adults alike. While food, clothing, housing, and entertainment is available in abundance there’s no need to learn about spiritual realities. To learn of God, the history of governments and the world and the truth about who and what we are will only be considered if it consists of one or two sentences on social media.

The people don’t need God. They are prosperous and can provide all their own needs. God becomes not only distant but is outright rejected. Churches are empty and places of entertainment are full.

Apathy creates a comfort and ease of living where physical and mental ailments that would have not been given a moment’s thought, even laughed at, become all important. Feelings rather than critical thinking becomes the way in which daily life is gauged. When we “feel” good life is good, but when we “feel” anything other than good life is collapsing. We grow immune to the suffering and hardship of others, believing life is good so long as it is not affecting me.

Life is easy. The people lose all knowledge of the history and the consequences of a tyrannical government.

All the while, behind the scenes and hidden in the shadows, forces are taking control at a rate that is too slow for people to recognise.

There is little hope of turning back from the cycle at this point.


Dependence follows apathy. The population is incapable of making their own way without government assistance. They need government to keep them “safe” and tell them what they must do. They become completely reliant on governments to take control over every aspect of life. They are convinced they would die if government did not control the world.

By now it’s far too late to turn back the tide of tyranny, even though a large minority of the population become aware that freedom has been lost.

The cycle moves once again to the bondage and slavery of the population, and it stays there until the people rise, at great personal risk, to throw off their oppressors.

There is a difference today!

The cycle of tyranny always applied to individual nations. Some enjoyed great liberty at the same time that others slaved under ruthless masters.

This time the entire globe is going through the cycle at the same time. This is unique to this current age.

Why Would Governments Want to Enslave Their People?

Those that believe there is no conspiracies within governments and that government only wants to keep us safe and happy will ask, “Why would a government want to enslave its people? What could it gain from such a thing?”

This is a good question because governments and those that run them will never benefit from an enslaved population and a wrecked economy.

So why the creeping controls over all aspects of life?

To understand why, we must go back in history a little to a time when the leaders of most “free world” nations, irrespective of which side of government they represented, had a basic belief in God.

This stretched from an acknowledgment of God’s existence to a full-on daily walk in His counsel.

Its easy to confirm this from the countless records and transcripts of speeches made and the actions of many, if not the majority, of politicians.

The politicians and people that were in power over us in Australia, New Zealand, England, The United States of America, and Europe had a standard to live and make decisions by. That standard was the Word of God.

At the root of decision making was a desire to be within the will of God. The conscience of good men and women would not allow them to make decisions that would bring communist style rule over their people. It was in God that many of our politicians lived and moved and had their being.

Proverbs 1:7 tells us that “Knowledge begins with fear and respect for the LORD, but stubborn fools hate wisdom and refuse to learn”. Also in Proverbs 2:6 and many other places, “The LORD is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth”.

In addition, a much greater percentage of population themselves had a belief and a knowledge of God. Churches were on every street corner, and they would be packed every Sunday morning and night and usually one or two nights during the week. Prayer was common in schools along with the teaching of the bible. Prayer opened parliament and was a common practice everywhere. Contrary to modern movies men did not curse God and blaspheme the name of Jesus to the extent they do today.

Today, it is much different!

God is not only absent from the conscience of most world leaders, but He is also openly rejected and the whole idea of a just and loving God who knows everything is laughed at and ridiculed even in high places.

So, the decision-making process of world leaders today is not coming from a mind and spirit that knows and respects God. So where does it come from?

The decisions that affect every one of us today come from the heart of man!

What does the bible say about the heart of man?

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9, KJV.

“But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with washed hands does not defile a man.” Matthew 15:18-20, KJV.

“That which comes out of the man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Mark 7:20-23, KJV.

No Unmoving Standard to Govern By

So, we see that when the decisions that govern our lives are made from a person who does not know or even validate God’s existence, those decisions are made from a mind that is desperately wicked.

Because the bible and its wisdom are completely disregarded, even ridiculed there is no central standard to govern by. Man’s laws are not enough because politicians can change those laws and introduce new ones very quickly. Apart from a politician’s conscience there is no longer and unmovable foundation by which mans decisions are gauged against. Right and wrong are blurred and are subjective, meaning they change with individual opinions. What’s right today is wrong tomorrow and vice versa.

Man cannot govern man while in rejection of God!

The Last Cycle of Tyranny

Bible believing Christians believe that current cycle of tyranny will be the last one!

We believe that this global cycle of tyranny will usher in the last dictator. He will be a global dictator, not just a dictator over a nation. He will achieve what every despot dictator before him has dreamed of but has never been able to reach. That is a government that controls the entire world of which he is the head.

Never in history has the means to be able to achieve this global domination been available. Now it is. Technology that replaces cash, artificial intelligence, a compliant news media, a politically correct education system, and a money hungry pharmaceutical industry have all combined to create an indoctrinated public that is not only easy to control but are openly begging for that control.

All that remains is the propaganda that will convince those in allegiance to the global government that it’s okay, even honourable, to eradicate those that oppose it.

The coming world leader’s reign will be violent and horrific beyond imagination, bringing more death and destruction that at any time in history including the world’s wars.

There is good news, however.

A true Christian who has accepted the sacrifice for sin made by the Lord Jesus Christ will not experience this horrific time.

This coming world leader’s reign will be short, and he will be the very last dictator throughout all eternity.

Just as the world is about to completely collapse under the weight of this world leader’s evil, the last King will appear.

The King is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in His long expected “second coming”.

The world leader will be defeated by our coming King and be destroyed for ever.

The new King’s reign will be one of absolute justice in an environment where sin and death have no place. It will be an eternal reign. He will never be overthrown, and He will never resign.

The Bible, which is God’s Living Word, gives us clear details of these soon coming events.

As people search for answers to this rapidly changing world, there is a renewed interest in the prophecies of the bible that depict the end times.

Unfortunately, a great deal of what is being offered is misleading and some of it is just plain error.

Even our organised churches are trying to change the bible’s message to be acceptable to the world rather than using the bible to change the world.

Over the next 2 weeks we will try to portray exactly what the Bible says about the coming times with no personal interpretation of our own.

It will be up to you what you do with that information.

You will either accept God’s redemption that He paid for with His life on a cruel cross at Calvary 2000 years ago and be partakers of His eternal plan or you or you will reject Him. To reject Him will be to align yourself with the up-and-coming world leader and partake of the cup of destruction that he has to offer.