In The Beginning
The evidence that all humanity sees every day in the heavens and the earth screams of an Almighty Creator and that evidence is so loud that it takes an enormous amount of willful blindness to believe that random chance could have designed and created it.
I’ve never believed that all life evolved from nothing!
To me, the unimaginable complexity of every life form could never have been the result of random chance.
For many years I would debate those who believed that in the beginning there was absolutely nothing, then it exploded and all life as we know it evolved from that chaotic explosion.
In my later years, I avoid those debates as they are largely futile. I came to realise that most people in the “civilized” world today CHOOSE to be blind to the existence of God. No matter what logic, competent analysis, self-evident truth, or scientific argument you put forward to the willfully blind, they will not see.
All Evidence
An honest seeker of the truth will look at ALL evidence, not just that which seems to fit their belief. But honest searchers are more and more rare in today’s world.
The evidence that all humanity sees every day in the heavens and the earth screams of an Almighty Creator and that evidence is so loud that it takes an enormous amount of willful blindness to believe that random chance could have designed and created it. The best that random chance can ever do is form shapes, such as the side of a cliff carved from the weather, but never a design. It is even less likely to create a highly complex life system that needs every part to pop into existence fully completed and working at the same time for that system to work at all. Add to that the countless other systems required to support that one system such as night and day, tides, sunlight, rain, oxygen, CO2, cell regeneration, food and waste systems and the whole idea of a gradual evolution becomes insanely absurd.
Even the honest searcher of truth will encounter what seems like an impossible idea, that there is a God who created everything in the universe, including the universe itself. I believe there are reasons for this.
Traps We Fall Into
Firstly, we fall into an error that will prevent us ever really understanding God.
The error is that we see God as we see ourselves. We compare Him and His qualities to a human. When we relate this comparison to creation, we tend to think of a being that is like a very intelligent man. He’s very old and wise and has spent many hours in his laboratory designing each life system. When we look at God from this perspective, the belief that He created all life is clearly a ridiculous impossibility. I am convinced that many evolution leaning people, along with many professing Christians, see God in this way, even though unconsciously. The reality is much different. God explains Himself to us in His Word, the Bible, as being so far above man and all the rest of His creation that even through the eons of eternity we will never fully grasp His power, His might, His wisdom, and His love for us.
Secondly, we have become victims of our education and the all-powerful information media of today.
These institutions have been highly successful in convincing us that evolution and the gradual appearance of all life from nothing is a scientifically proven fact. Moreover, if a person dares to think outside these boundaries they are alienated and cast into the realm of the deranged. How could anyone argue with the SCIENCE? However, the greatest scandal of the modern world is that the evolution of life from nothing is NOT a scientifically proven fact, not by any means. Just because almost all schools educate our children in this belief and just because David Attenborough says it’s so while commenting on in his remarkable photographic images does NOT make it fact.
For a renowned scientist to believe that there is no God and that the universe itself is responsible for its own creation from nothing, he must hold a deep-seated religious belief. His science has never revealed even a spark of how matter and energy emerged from nothing and then became so intelligent that it formed itself into the impossibly complex system we see everywhere. He will interpret what he sees through his microscope and through his calculations from his foundational belief like anybody else. For a scientist to be totally impartial when analysing what he sees is just as hard as for anyone else. Most scientists, teachers and media workers are as much chained to their foundational belief, and those of their employers, as the rest of society.
There is also a fact that is very much hidden from the majority today; that is that there is a huge, and growing, number of scientists who do not accept the popular beliefs of this world. For a great many scientists what they see in their research is the evidence of the works of a mighty Creator.
Thirdly, for most humans the idea of being accountable to God is an abominable idea. The very thought that we are not in complete control of our destiny is unacceptable. To be answerable to someone or something who will judge us one day is very difficult for man and his free will.
Belief Is A Choice
Each one of us must consciously choose to accept and trust in either the confusing lie of evolution or the plainly visible evidence that points to Almighty God who created all things by the power of His Word.
To really trust in someone or something, we need to know that our trust is not in vain, that we are not trusting in something that will fail and bring us down with it.
The foundation that our faith is built on must be solid rock not shifting sand.
So, how we be sure that the One in whom we have placed our faith is worthy of that trust?
How can we KNOW beyond a doubt that God is both willing and able to fulfill that which He has promised?
One of the greatest testimonies to the solidness of our God is His signature in nature. Everything in nature has God’s signature on it.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Ps. 19:1). It is impossible to live on earth without recognising God, as all of nature testifies to His existence.
The Voice of Heaven
The earth and the heavens have a voice.
“Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard” (Ps. 19:1-3).
That voice screams out to every person in a language that is universal so everyone can clearly hear and understand it. We cannot understand life by human wisdom, or from books, education, or worldly knowledge or even science. However, we can see God’s unique and beautiful signature in our lives and in the world in which we live by hearing that voice of His creation.
In Romans 1 :18 – 20 We have a very stern message; God’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known.
God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God himself made it plain.
Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all!
In Colossians 1:15 – 17 We see Jesus Christ as God the Creator. Christ is the visible likeness of the invisible God. He is the first-born Son, superior to all created things.
For through him God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe through him and for him.
Christ existed before all things, and in union with him all things have their proper place.
Isaiah 40:26 tells us to look up to the skies. Who created all those stars? Who created all those “armies” in the sky? Who knows every star by name? He is very strong and powerful, so not one of these stars is lost.
I urge you to set aside all your preconceptions and watch the amazing video below. Then ask yourself in complete honesty, “Can there be any other explanation than GOD!”
God of Wonders Documentary
The Seal of God