The Bible Study Introduction
Welcome to the Introduction to the Why God Bible Study
This page contains the first five episodes of this online, home Bible study.
These episodes are the introduction to, the Bible study where we explore the whole Bible in plain language.
We hope you’ll join us on this journey to discover the real Bible, that is the whole story that God has given us and that millions have given their lives to preserve!
The Why God Bible Study Introduction Series (5 Episodes)
The Introduction Notes and Outlines - Tap or Click to open
Bible Study, the journey to Truth
Reading the Bible is one of the most important things a person can ever do.
You most likely believe that, considering you’re here.
But what makes the Bible so important? And how can help me live life in a way that pleases and glorifies God? Let’s look at these questions.
The books of your Bible and the words written in them are God’s words, so they are also God’s thoughts.
If you believe that, the Bible becomes more than ink on a page, it’s something supernatural, beyond time, matter, energy and space.
Using human writers in many and various life situations, God authored the Bible for one purpose: To introduce us to Himself. The God who spoke light out of darkness and all creation out of absolutely nothing wants to speak truth into our minds and hearts. That truth will always lead us to His Son, Jesus and to know Him (Jesus) is to have life eternal (John 17:3).
And that’s just the start. Through His Word, the Spirit of God awakens us to new life. He frees us from the chains of sin. He comforts the depressed, inspires the discouraged, and guides the confused. He empowers us to live by faith which sees far beyond the natural realm. That faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
We shouldn’t listen to people who tell us that understanding what we read in the Bible is easy. It takes commitment and effort, but everyone who makes God’s Word a priority in their lives will testify that it’s the method that God uses to transform their lives. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran at Bible study, you’ll benefit from the following seven steps and they’ll help you in your love affair with God’s Word, The Bible:
1 – Begin with prayer
2 – Read the Bible
3 – Study the Bible
4 – Meditate on the Bible
5 – Read what others have written about the Bible
6 – Obey the Bible
7 – Pass it on to others
When we commit ourselves to the study of God’s Word, we are on the journey of a lifetime.
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