About This Audio Blog

My name is Chris Jones.
I am not a pastor, a teacher, an evangelist or a minister in any way except for that ministry which all Christians are called to, to make known the salvation of the Lord.

I have always enjoyed small group bible study, and I believe they are a great opportunity to share and understand the Gospel, however, because we live and work in our caravan, often long distances from towns and cities, I cannot attend a regular group study.

This is why this audio blog exists.

I hope you will find it a blessing and you will better know our Saviour Jesus Christ who appears on every page of the Bible.

Core Beliefs

  • The Bible is the word of God! It contains no errors and is inspired by, and preserved by God.
  • The triune God: One God exists in three distinctly different persons. These three are one and each possesses all the attributes of God.
  • The deity of Jesus Christ: He was born fully man of a virgin at the same time fully God manifest in the flesh.
  • The death and burial of Christ was a substitution and attonement for every person. In His death Christ took our punishment and paid the price for sin.
  • That salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
  • The literal resurrection of Christ through which God offers salvation and eternal life to all who believe.
  • The return of Christ bodily to judge, reign, and rule in heaven and earth.

Beliefs About Our Instructions

  • God speaks to us today through the Bible and not through our circumstances, our feelings, our emotions, or through the words of so called modern day prophets.
  • In order to understand the Bible we must rightly divide it, according to 2 Timothy 2:15. Although God never changes, the way He deals with mankind does and understanding the ages or dispensations that the Bible covers will help us discern what are our instructions for the Body of Christ today as opposed to what God instructed past or future generations.
  • The power of God in His inspired words bring about spiritual change, not man-made self improvement programs, man centered methods, or psychiatry.
  • Religious traditions, appeals to the emotions and failure to divide God’s word correctly inhibit spiritual growth and knowledge.
  • The gospel, the instructions and the ministry of the church today is in the writings of the apostle Paul. It is through him and his thirteen epistles that Christ reveals who we are and what we are to do today as the Body of Christ.
    All scripture is profitable for us, but not every instruction in scripture is for us today.
  • We, the Body of Christ, are not Israel today and we do not share in the instructions, laws, promises or covenants (new or old) that were given by God to Israel, and we can clearly see that when we rightly divide God’s Word.


We are saved from sin and death when we trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and his bodily resurrection.
His sinless blood pays for our sins, enables forgiveness, and gives us eternal life.

Salvation is not a product of:

  • Prayer
  • Popes
  • Baptism
  • Confession
  • Good works
  • Turning from sin
  • Commandments
  • Church membership
  • Mass or the Lord’s Supper

Salvation is free to the ungodly who will put their faith in the death, blood, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for their sins (Romans 4:5; Romans 4:24-25; 1 Cor 15:1-4).